Resident Wellness

At TFM we start our interns off with a first block that focuses on building peer support, getting to know the area and our patient populations, mastering the EMR, attending team communication and advocacy trainings, and completing a wellness workshop and individualized wellness plan for the 3 years.  Longitudinally, we then offer monthly wellness didactic slots, weekly wellness emails on various topics, quarterly meetings with advisors solely to focus on issues of wellness, and a wellness committee comprised of faculty, resident, front office and back office staff, and administrative representatives.  We assess all staff wellness quarterly and focus wellness didactics and interventions based on these assessments.  We have wellness time built into some outpatient rotations, an exercise/wellness room in our building, annual retreats, and scheduled times for reflective practices such as our monthly Humanism in Medicine group and quarterly patient memorials.  Our interns have a support group 3 times per month led by a clinician outside of the residency, who also leads a support group for R2s once per month.  The Behavioral Scientist also leads a monthly Balint Group for the R2s and R3s.  We offer on-the-clock time for all medical and mental health appointments and keep a list of resources and providers locally.  Our health care system also offers a Code Lavender program, Schwartz Rounds, access to self-assessment tools for wellness/burnout, chaplaincy services, and an employee assistance program.

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