Designer Information – Mini Trees and Wreaths


We invite you to create masterpieces for the 2024 Festival of Trees. Our mini trees and wreaths are displayed throughout our event, November 30 – December 7, 2024 and be part of our pre-event silent auction during our Tinsel on the Town or Gala event.  All proceeds benefit Mary Bridge Children’s patients and families.

This year’s theme – Magic Lives Here

Dates to remember:

August 31– All minature tree and wreath commitment forms are due.

October 11 – Minature tree and wreath name, theme and photo are due.

November 25 & 26  – Boxed minature trees and bagged wreaths must be delivered to the event.

December 6 & 7 – Miniture trees and wreaths will be silent auctioned off at the start of Tinsel on the Town or Gala.

Mini Trees and Wreaths Forms ​​