Your holiday health survival guide

December 14, 2017 | By MultiCare Health System

‘Tis the season for endless treats in the office, blustery weather that’s perfect for curling up on the couch (and never moving again) and travel conditions that make you want to rethink those plans with the in-laws.

From holiday goodies to New Year’s resolutions, we’ve gathered a collection of articles to help you through this magical — but often challenging — time of year.

5 tips to survive holiday parties

Parties make it easy to overindulge. Don’t let the festive food and drink derail your healthy habits — try these tips to avoid temptation.

Managing diabetes during the holidays

The holidays are a tough time of year for anyone to stick with a healthy diet, and even more so for the estimated 29 million Americans with diabetes. Try these simple-to-follow tips.

7 ways to stay active during the holidays

When the weather turns cold and rainy, it’s hard to muster up the enthusiasm to head outdoors. Try these ideas (some outdoors, some indoors) that will keep you and your family moving.

Beating the winter-time blues

There are simple things you can do to make it through the winter — without having to pull the blankets over your head and wait until spring.

5 fitness items to ask Santa for

Here are five items to help you crush your New Year’s goals, whether it’s to run your first half marathon, drink more water or just sleep eight hours a night..

4 tips for holiday air travel

The holidays are a busy time for air travel. No matter the destination, kids can be especially vulnerable to travel-related problems such as motion sickness, diarrhea and infections.

5 tips for holiday road travel

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go … but watch out for bad weather driving conditions such as icy roads and snowy mountain passes.

Holiday shopping tips: Toys

When you envision your little ones excitedly opening up their new toys this Christmas, no one imagines those toys will cause harm. Thankfully, there are simple tips to help keep kids safe this holiday season.

6 tips for sticking with your New Year’s resolutions

You’re ahead of the game and you’ve made your New Year’s resolutions. Now how do you stay motivated to stick with them?

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