Watch: Why wear a mask?

July 22, 2020 | By MultiCare Health System
MultiCare expert Michael Myint, MD, Epidemiologist and Infectious Disease specialist, discusses why wearing masks helps keep you and your loved ones safe.

Evidence shows that wearing cloth masks or face coverings in public settings where six-foot social distancing cannot be maintained is an effective as a way to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

On June 26, 2020, a statewide order in Washington state mandated that individuals wear a face covering in indoor public spaces such as stores, offices and restaurants. The order also requires face coverings outdoors when you can’t stay six feet apart from others. Exemptions are allowed for those with certain medical conditions and children under 5.

In this video, Michael Myint, MD, epidemiologist and infectious disease specialist discusses why wearing a mask is an important step we can all take to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.
