NICU update: Emma Monet, three years later

November 16, 2018 | By MultiCare Health System
Emma smiling at camera
Emma Monet, 3, holds a photo of herself when she was in the NICU at Tacoma General Hospital. 

Three years ago, we shared Emma Monet’s story. Emma was born April 26, 2015. She was 16 weeks early and spent 123 days in the Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital.

Those first months of life in the NICU were filled with surgeries, setbacks and milestones. Emma has been home for three years now. Her mom Kristen shares an update below.

By Kristen Mulhern

Regardless of circumstance, there is always something to be thankful for, and there is always hope in tomorrow. This continues to remain true in our lives in the three years since leaving the Tacoma General NICU with our daughter Emma Monet.

Our sweet girl continues to thrive, and for that we are so thankful. Our feisty little 24-weeker who was born three years ago is such a joy and light in our lives. Emma Monet is such a vibrant little girl. She is happy, kind, smart, caring, hardworking, brave and bold. She loves books, music, swimming, being outside and is a huge fan of Elmo (or “Momo,” according to her).

She has the best sense of humor, catching all the funny things that come up, and is constantly making us laugh. Her smile is the best and her laugh is infectious.

Emma also became a big sister last year. She has stepped into that role so well and loves it. She is a great helper and just adores her brother, always watching out for him and including him in whatever she is doing.

For all those things, and more, we are thankful.

Our time since coming home has not been without its challenges. The upward battle that began with Emma’s early arrival continues today. Her weeks are filled with various therapies, doctors’ appointments, procedures and even more follow-ups.

She has had two shunt revisions and recently developed seizures. She meets these challenges head on and we are hopeful she will overcome them.

Emma is a little behind her peers. But she is walking all the time now and talking more and more. She works hard every day to make progress and we know that she’ll get there — all in her time, as she always has.

Her resiliency never ceases to amaze us.

Emma’s miracles continue today and we look forward with great hope and anticipation for what she will accomplish tomorrow.

November is Prematurity Awareness Month and November 17 is World Prematurity Day. Learn more about lifesaving care available to our region’s most fragile babies. 

Make a donation to support NICU care.

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