Movember spotlight: A conversation about Peyronie’s disease

November 23, 2020 | By Jack Walter, MD
Man and woman smiling and taking a picture

As a urologist who treats conditions related to the body’s reproductive system, I know men especially can be uncomfortable talking about specific medical issues — even in a private office setting. That’s precisely why Movember’s focus on raising awareness around men’s health was formed nearly two decades ago. Guys, we understand your reluctance to seek help, but we can likely treat or help manage your conditions — even the ones you are uncomfortable talking about.

As we near the end of Movember, we shed some light on one of those topics: Peyronie’s disease.

Understanding Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease may not be a common household word for most men. But this condition is certainly not new to medicine. It was first described by a French surgeon, Francois Peyronie, as far back as the 1740s.

What is it? Peyronie’s disease is characterized by a bend or curve in the penis, affecting 10-15% of men between ages 40-70.

What causes it? The penile bending or curvature happens when an abnormal layer of scar tissue — most likely from mild trauma — forms under the skin of the penis. While the sheaf around the penis’ outer layer typically has some flexibility, the newly-formed ridge of scar tissue can cause the penis to curve.

Men with Peyronie’s disease may notice an onset of symptoms, such as:

  • A curved or bent penis.
  • Lumps — sometimes painful — that you can feel in the penis tissue.
  • Painful erections or erectile dysfunction.

How is it diagnosed? Your appointment will include a physical exam and an ultrasound. This type of non-invasive imaging uses sound waves to look more closely at the soft tissue around the penis to detect the telltale presence of scar tissue, or plaque. The ultrasound also shows how the plaque buildup may be impacting the blood flow through the penis.

Managing Peyronie’s Disease

Some men experience only a slight curvature and won’t need to pursue further treatment. But for men confronted with more advanced or painful symptoms, we’ve seen new treatment options come along in just the last decade. That’s good news for men who want both improved function and quality of life when it comes to their sexual health.

MultiCare is pleased to offer our patients different options, such as traction therapy. This safe, at-home treatment decreases penile curvature using a traction device that helps stretch the penis over several months. And for men who may need additional treatment, our minimally invasive surgical procedures include placing sutures to help with straightening.

As of now, some of the more recent oral medications or injections developed for Peyronie’s disease, such as XIAFLEX®, have not proven to be terribly useful. We still need more research about these types of therapies to achieve better, more effective results.

If you are experiencing symptoms of Peyronie’s disease or other urologic conditions, contact a MultiCare urologist near you to schedule an appointment.

Men's Health