I’m stressed! What can I do?

May 20, 2020 | By

First and foremost, be kind to yourself. With increased stressors and disruption to daily routines, it can be easy to feel like you’re failing your personal goals and responsibilities. A sense of failure and guilt amplifies our stress levels. It’s important to find a voice of self-compassion in this moment and acknowledge that you are dealing with a unique set of challenges.

With some challenges, you may be able to adapt. For other challenges, there may be limitations to how you can adapt, or it can take more time. Whatever the case may be, focus on honoring the struggles you’re experiencing.

Create a space for self-compassion, grace, and understanding. And remember, we’re all in this together.

For additional resources on managing stress, see below:

Stress Tip Sheet – American Psychology Association

Guided Meditations – UCLA Health

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