How to survive Thanksgiving when you’re trying to lose weight

November 18, 2019 | By MultiCare Health System
Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is soon, so we asked some of our dietitians for tips on how to navigate this food-centric holiday, especially when you’re trying to either maintain your weight or lose weight. Here’s the advice they give their patients.

  • Make sure to have a protein/healthy fat-filled breakfast in the morning to help with your hunger later in the day. Example: two-egg omelet with veggies and cheese topped with avocado, plus a side of fruit.
  • Have a plan that considers meal satisfaction and respecting your body. Don’t go into the meal “starving” — have your normal meals throughout the day leading up to dinner.
  • Fit in intentional movement. Make it fun! It can be a flag football game with the family or a long stroll, as long as you’re moving. This will create a small buffer for any mindful indulgence you partake in later in the day.
  • If hosting, provide a variety of nutritious appetizers available prior to the main meal. If traveling elsewhere, ask if you can provide an appetizer (or two). Suggestions:
    • Veggies and hummus
    • Fruit and cheese
    • Caprese skewers: Skewer fresh balls of mozzarella with fresh leaves of basil and cherry tomatoes. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar.
  • Prepare foods that are in conjunction with your eating plan.
    • Examples: Instead of using bacon fat or butter to cook your vegetables or stuffing, choose olive or avocado oils. Or try cauliflower mashed potatoes.
  • At the main meal, try to eat slowly and mindfully. Look around to see who seems to have the slowest eating pace and try to follow the pace of that person. Other tips:
    • Take small bites. Use the fork to “stab” the food rather than scoop what will fit on the fork.
    • Put your fork down after each bite.
    • Take a couple relaxing breaths between each bite before prepping your next bite.
    • Count your chews to 20-30 chews and/or chew until food is completely pureed before swallowing.
    • Eat your protein and non-starchy vegetables prior to the bread stuffing, rolls or potatoes.
    • Choose only foods that you really love, eating a small portion of each. Enjoy every bite.
  • If food is served buffet style, cruise by the whole buffet first before grabbing a plate. That way, you can see what’s available, decide what’s a “must have” item and what items you can do without. You’re less likely to overfill your plate if you have a plan.
  • If you already track your intake, do not stop this practice. We tend to make better choices about food selection and portions when we write them down.
  • When it comes to dessert, if there are multiple options remember it’s OK to have a piece/slice/cookie but choose only one.
  • Remember it’s a holi-day, not a holi-week. Enjoy it and get right back on track with your routine way of eating at the very next meal.
Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss