How to run even when you don’t want to

May 9, 2023 | By Sarah Robinson
Woman on a bench tying her running shoes.

At a glance

  • It’s normal to have days where you don’t want to run
  • Try running just one mile — you’ll likely keep going
  • Mix up your run by varying your pace or trying new music

Regardless of weather, there are just some days you dread lacing up — and that’s completely normal. Even elite and professional runners aren’t fired up to run every day. And the first mile of every run usually feels like hard work. Motivated yet?

Luckily, there are ways to shake up the monotony and make getting out the door less of a chore and more of a treat.

Just run one mile

You’re tired, you’re hungry and you want to veg on the couch … so pick a distance or time that seems easy and tell yourself you only have to run that far. When you hit your goal, if you feel like going farther, you can. Chances are, your funk will have lifted and you’ll continue on.

Bonus: This is also great mental training for race day. When things get hard, break it up into smaller goals by telling yourself you only have to run to the next light pole or mailbox. Then when you reach it, set another small goal.

Phone a friend

Have days that are always especially hard to get out the door? Set up accountability and company by inviting a friend.

Try a fartlek run

“Fartlek” is a Swedish word that means “speed play.” The goal of fartlek training is to keep a runner constantly moving while varying the pace, and there are infinite ways to implement it into your routine. Below are a few ideas. If you’re a beginner, feel free to incorporate walking into the “off” segment. And always warm up and cool down one to three miles dependent on your level.

Mailbox run: Pick up the pace between every other mailbox (or house, street sign, streetlight, etc.). Mix it up by choosing a random number of mailboxes to go hard or easy.

3, 2, 1: Run your goal race pace for three minutes, then two minutes and one minute, taking a half-time rest between each segment. Start with one or two sets. If you don’t run with a pace watch, just run fast but comfortable for the “on” minutes.

Lead from behind: For this fartlek you’ll need a group; four to 10 works best. You’ll run single file and the last person in line will speed up to pass the group and become the leader, then the new last person runs to the front, and so on for the allotted time or repetitions.

Pump up the jams

Make a new playlist and save it for a day you’re really dragging your feet. To make music even more potent, don’t run with it every day. Use it on the days you really need extra motivation to go. The benefits of listening to music are real, and study after study has shown that music reduces perceived effort, increases speed and might even help you recover faster.

Podcasts and audiobooks are another great way to take your mind off a run you’re not excited about. Plus, you learn something new. It’s a win-win.

Wear your power suit

Have you heard of “enclothed cognition”? It’s a term that means what you wear affects how you think — similar to how a power pose can increase confidence and decrease stress. If you have a run you’re dreading or a big workout you’re anxious about, save your favorite running apparel for that day. Maybe it’s a shirt from a race you’re proud of, or shorts that make you feel powerful. It’s not superficial to invest in a few apparel pieces that make you feel your best and look forward to running.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in 2017 and updated in May 2023.

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