How to prepare for allergy season

April 7, 2022 | By MultiCare Health System
Mother and daughter running through the forest

Spring means sunny days, blossoming trees and colorful flower buds, but for many it can also mean seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies often begin in February or March and last through early summer, though a variety of factors including precipitation levels, mild winter temperatures and climate can extend the allergy season well into the fall.

Seasonal allergies are often a result of pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. These plants release pollen into the air to fertilize other plants, but the pollen often enters our nasal passageways, which can trigger our bodies’ defenses. Our immune system may see the pollen as a danger, thus unleashing antibodies to attack the pollen; this leads to chemicals called histamines being released into our blood. Histamines trigger common allergy symptoms like runny nose, itchy eyes, coughing and other uncomfortable reactions.

If you find yourself sniffling, sneezing and itching your way through spring and summer, you may dread all of the great outdoor activities in our region. Luckily, there are many easy ways to reduce your exposure to allergy triggers:

  • Keep your outdoor activities to a minimum on windy days, which can stir up pollen. The best time to go outside is after a good rain, since rain clears pollen from the air.
  • Avoid mowing your lawn, pulling weeds and other gardening tasks, if possible. This could be a great opportunity to teach your teenager how to operate the lawn mower, solicit help from a friendly neighbor or seek out a local landscape company to perform lawn care services for you during allergy season.
  • After any outdoor activity, change your clothing, as pollen can stick to fibrous fabric and cloth. Additionally, taking a shower after being outside can help remove any pollen collection from your hair and skin.
  • Closing doors and windows at night can help reduce the amount of pollen coming into your home.
  • Make sure to watch the local news or check online sources for daily pollen levels and forecasts. On days when pollen counts are high, consider staying indoors and limiting exposure to outside air.
  • Avoid hanging laundry outside to dry and elect to machine dry items during the spring and summer months, as pollen can collect in the clean laundry, especially on breezy days.
  • If you have carpet, consider frequent vacuuming; both perennial and seasonal allergens may adhere to carpeted surfaces.

With so many beautiful hikes, bodies of water and outdoor events in our region, staying inside to avoid your allergy symptoms can feel like you’re missing out on all the fun. If you suffer from seasonal allergies that affect your day-to-day routine, it’s best to visit a doctor to get your allergies under control. There are many over-the-counter and prescription allergy medications available to help combat seasonal allergies. Your doctor will be able to help determine which option is best for you based on your health, demographics and sensitivity to different pollen levels.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published April 12, 2021 and was updated April 7, 2022.

Ear, Nose and Throat
Healthy Living