Give your goals meaning

August 6, 2020 | By Collette DeMonte, PsyD

Summer is in full swing. The sun is shining, and the days are warm. And with this warm weather comes renewed energy, which is a great time to set new goals. Maybe you want to refocus on daily walks in the neighborhood, apply for a promotion at work or spend more time with family. Whatever the goal, following these steps will help give them meaning and make them more attainable.

1. Make sure your goal matches your values (areas of life that are meaningful) and life circumstances.

You can do this by asking yourself why this goal is important, how it will make your life better and if it is this the best time to work on this goal.

2. Create a SMART goal. 

  • Specific: Goal is clear.
  • Measurable: Goal progress can be tracked.
  • Attainable: Goal is challenging but not impossible.
  • Relevant: Goal fits values and life circumstances
  • Time-based: Goal has milestones to check progress and change what’s not working.

3. Check your expectations.

When setting a goal, the excitement of getting started can cause you to try and accomplish too much at once. This can leave a person overwhelmed and end up letting go of the goal altogether. Give yourself time; don’t try to rush the process.

4. Expect and accept setbacks.

Any person who has succeeded at something in life knows it did not happen smoothly. Know that setbacks are a part of growing and see them as a chance to review your goal and make changes as needed.

5. Celebrate progress along the way.

With any goal, especially long-term goals, celebrate each milestone in a meaningful and healthy way.

6. Finally, do not be afraid to ask for help!

If you need help with your current goals, do not hesitant to ask the staff at the Center for Weight Loss & Wellness to help you develop a plan that is meaningful and manageable.

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