Celebrating non-scale victories

December 30, 2020 | By MultiCare Health System

When you start your weight-loss journey, you might experience weight-loss plateaus or slow-downs. During this time, you might get frustrated and slowly lose your motivation. Changing your focus from the number on the scale to non-scale victories can help you maintain your motivation and continue to push forward towards your goals.

Non-scale victories are measures to help you achieve your health goals despite the number you see on the scale. Here are a few examples of non-scale victories:

Food choices

  • You chose a piece of fruit instead of ice-cream for dessert.
  • You now think of food as fuel and nourishment instead of a coping mechanism when you are feeling stressed.


  • Your pants are looser and your coat zips right up.
  • Your wedding ring fits again.

Exercise, movement and more energy

  • You don’t get winded when taking the stairs at work.
  • You can go on a hike with your family and keep up with them.

Medical benefits

  • At the recent visit with your doctor your blood pressure was normal, and you no longer need to take medication.
  • Quality of your sleep has improved, and you wake up feeling rested and energized.

Improved self-esteem

  • You look better.
  • You are getting compliments from others.

Social support

  • You have found new like-minded friends who are also trying to adopt healthier dietary habits.
  • Your family is supportive of your healthy diet and food choices.

Saving money

  • You are cooking more at home and not eating out as often.
  • You are saving money on life insurance and future medical bills due to weight loss and being healthier.

Hopefully these examples help remind you of how far you’ve come and that you are worth far more than just a number on the scale. Your weight does not define your self-worth, and success comes in many forms!

Learn more about the MultiCare’s weight loss services for more information about our surgical and medical (non-surgical) weight-loss programs.

Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss