An Le: representing the unsung health care heroes

July 26, 2021 | By Kortney Scroger
Mother holding daughter

When we talk about “frontline health care workers,” what often comes to mind are doctors and nurses. The reality is that there are so many different types of health care heroes who have been working hard throughout the pandemic to provide care. Heroes like the nutrition services team who help feed every hospital patient.

An Le is the manager of nutrition services at MultiCare Allenmore Hospital. She’s been with the department since 2008. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, she and her team had to think fast.

“We had to quickly find a new way of doing things to meet the demands and the needs of the staff and the patients here,” An says.

To adhere to new safety protocols, entire menus, serving styles and cleaning schedules had to be completely changed.

“Patients still needed to be fed, so closing was never an option,” An says. “I am so proud of how my team has still been able to accommodate everyone’s needs because that’s what we are here for — our patients. Food heals the mind and soul. We are providing that proper nourishment and nutrition for our patients and other health care workers.”

In addition to meeting the health needs of patients and staff, An Le also gives back directly to patients through the employee and volunteer giving program, MultiCare Gives. She gives to Helping Hands, a special fund used to help patients meet basic needs like transportation, food and shelter so that they can continue to heal. Helping Hands has been especially critical during the pandemic.

“You never know what people are going through and whether or not they need support,” An says. “I needed that support at one point, so now I am happy to give back.”

In order to come to work every day refreshed and ready to serve, An has found a few different ways to decompress and alleviate stress. Her family goes on walks and bike rides in their neighborhood. But, one of the most impactful activities for An has been baking with her 4-year-old daughter.

“My daughter turned 4 in August and quarantine really had an impact on her,” An says. “She was upset and couldn’t understand why everything was different. So, on the weekends we began baking — everything from cookies to hot cocoa bombs. It’s been a really great way for us to spend time together.”

Celebrate MultiCare health care “rock stars” like An by attending Rock the Foundation on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024. Learn more at Rock the Foundation’s website.

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