Feeling sick? Don’t assume it’s not COVID-19

November 24, 2020 | By MultiCare Health System
Woman blowing nose while sitting on couch

During a normal fall and winter, it can be hard to tell if your cough, aches and stuffy nose are due to a cold or the flu. This year, it’s going to be even more difficult, with COVID-19 still spreading rapidly locally and worldwide.

In the early days of the outbreak, there were a handful of specific symptoms thought to point to COVID-19. But today, the list of symptoms you may experience from the virus has grown, and there’s a lot of overlap in symptoms that could point to a cold, or the flu, or COVID-19 — or even allergies.

Our symptom comparison chart shows how common a lot of symptoms are across these respiratory ailments

Covid Flu Cold Comparison chart

Bottom line? Although there are some symptom differences and the timing of when you might get sick and how long you might be sick for can vary, there really isn’t any definitive way to tell by yourself what’s causing your symptoms.

So, if you develop any of these symptoms, wear a mask, even at home, stay away from others as much as you can and talk to your health care provider right away to find out if you should be tested for COVID-19. If you don’t have a regular doctor, an e-visit through MultiCare’s Indigo Online Care can provide you with an assessment and direct you to a COVID-19 testing location if needed.

Virtual assessment for children is also available through Mary Bridge Children’s virtual urgent care service.