5 myths about the flu vaccine debunked

October 21, 2022 | By Meredith Bailey
Person receiving flu vaccine

Masking and social distancing didn’t just help stop the spread of COVID-19 over the past few years — these precautions also protected us from influenza (flu), another contagious respiratory illness. But now that much of life has returned to pre-pandemic normalcy, what does that mean for this year’s flu season?

“The flu season in the southern hemisphere can give us an idea of what to expect here, and we found that Australia experienced its worst flu season in five years,” says Gretchen LaSalle, MD, a family medicine physician at MultiCare Rockwood Clinic. “Influenza is already circulating in parts of the U.S., and we anticipate that our flu season will be significantly worse than we’ve seen in the past couple of years.”

One of the best ways to protect yourself and your family is to get vaccinated against the flu. Below we dispel five common myths that discourage some people from getting the flu vaccine, putting themselves and their loved ones at risk.

Myth 1: I’m healthy, so I don’t need a flu shot.

Even healthy people die of influenza. In fact, approximately 50 percent of children who die from the flu each year were previously healthy, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

While the flu can cause some of the symptoms we are familiar with, such as high fever, body aches and fatigue, it can also cause pneumonia, sepsis (a life-threatening response to infection) and organ failure. The risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke also increases in the weeks following a flu infection.

“We are all potentially at risk for developing dangerous complications from the flu. Everyone who is eligible — even healthy people — should get vaccinated,” Dr. LaSalle says.

Myth 2: I can get the flu from the flu shot.

The flu shot cannot cause the flu because it is made from inactivated, or dead, viruses. While the flu nasal spray does contain live viruses, they are weakened so they cannot transmit an infection to someone with a healthy immune system.

“It takes two weeks for the vaccine to offer protection, and during that time, people can and sometimes do actually catch the flu,” Dr. LaSalle says. “That’s why it is important to get the vaccine before flu season begins.”

Some people may also experience mild side effects from the vaccine, such as a low-grade fever or muscle aches, that can be mistaken for flu symptoms.

Myth 3: The flu vaccine doesn’t really work.

It’s true that you may still get the flu despite being vaccinated, but you are less likely to experience a severe form of the illness.

“Getting the flu vaccine is similar to wearing a seatbelt. While a seatbelt doesn’t guarantee you won’t get into a car accident, it will help protect you from serious harm if you do,” Dr. LaSalle says. “That’s what the flu vaccine does best — it prevents hospitalizations and deaths from influenza.”

Myth 4: I can just build up my immunity naturally.

“Flu viruses mutate, or change, so frequently that having had the flu one year does not provide protection against it the following year, so it’s not possible to develop immunity. That’s why it’s important to get the flu shot annually,” Dr. LaSalle says.

Getting vaccinated is also a safer choice than being exposed naturally to the virus because flu infections carry a risk of serious health complications.

Myth 5: I can’t get a flu shot because I have an egg allergy.

People with egg allergies can still be vaccinated. However, if you have a history of severe allergic reactions to eggs, such as vomiting or anaphylaxis, it’s best to get a flu shot in a medical clinic rather than a pharmacy.

“Physicians and other health care providers are trained to recognize these life-threatening allergic responses and treat them,” Dr. LaSalle says. “Another option is to ask for an egg-free alternative. There are two vaccine brands currently available that are not developed using eggs.”

Get vaccinated

The CDC recommends that everyone 6 months and older, including pregnant people, get a flu vaccine every year unless otherwise instructed by your physician. The ideal time to get vaccinated is early fall before flu season begins. You can even get your COVID-19 booster the same time as your flu vaccine.

MultiCare offers flu shots for both adults and children at locations throughout the Puget Sound and Inland Northwest. Visit our Flu Shots at MultiCare page to learn more.

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