Yakima’s “best kept secret” helps local man prevent diabetes

January 29, 2024 | By MultiCare Health System
Finger being pricked by a diabetes needle

Maury Riker and his wife were enjoying their retirement in the Yakima Valley when their doctor told them about the Diabetes Prevention Program offered by MultiCare Yakima Memorial Hospital.

Dedicated to each other and improving their health, the couple attended an orientation and enrolled in the 16-week program. It’s designed to help people reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

As part of the program, Riker had his blood sugar levels checked and was shocked to discover he was prediabetic.

“I had no idea that I had any issues with my blood sugar,” he says. “It was a wake-up call for me.”

MDetermined to address the issue, Riker began following the program’s recommendations to refine his diet and implement an exercise plan. He started walking around the West Valley and got a membership to the YMCA, where he now walks laps every day. He also made changes to his diet, reducing the amount of fat and calories he consumed.

“The program has been life-changing,” he says. “It’s not difficult. There are no food restrictions — nothing is off-limits. It’s been absolutely amazing.”

Thanks to his efforts, Riker was able to bring his blood sugar, or A1C, levels down from 8 to 5.4 in just three months.

Though he was never officially diagnosed with diabetes, the program had a major impact on his health. Not only did he lose over 100 pounds, but he also reduced his risk for heart attack and stroke.

Riker was so inspired by his results that he decided to become a program instructor and facilitator to help others make the same positive changes in their lives.

He continues to follow the lifestyle changes he learned in the program and remains committed to maintaining his health, but he’s equally dedicated to encouraging others to attend the Diabetes Prevention Program.

“It’s the best-kept secret in Yakima,” Riker says.

Classes are limited to 15 to 20 students, and attendees work in small groups to share their stories, knowledge and challenges.

Riker has seen firsthand the positive change this class made in his life, but it’s the connection and sharing that resonates with him. He finds inspiration in the quotation, “You never know who you can touch.”

With his work and advocacy for this program, he hopes to be an example to as many people as possible so they can take control of their health, improve their diet, get motivated and extend their lives.

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