Pierce County kids get Fit for Sound to Narrows

April 7, 2023 | By Jessica Mathews
Kids at the starting line of a race

For third grade teacher Ladd Wolfe, inspiring his students’ lifelong love of physical activity is one of his greatest achievements. This beloved teacher knows he has a chance to influence kids at an early age to have a positive relationship with exercise, leading to healthier lifestyles for the long term.

That’s one of the many reasons Wolfe participates in Fit for Sound to Narrows, a structured eight-week training program designed in partnership with the Tacoma City Running Club to get students ages 12 and younger ready to compete in the Sound to Narrows run.

“At the start, I see a lot of kids say, ‘I’m not a runner,’” says Wolfe. “Through this program, we teach them if they are out and moving — whether it’s jogging or sprinting — they are a runner, and they’re part of a team.”

Rhianna Bedient, a health and physical education teacher for Tacoma Public Schools, also brought the Fit program to her schools. She sees it as a way to build community and perseverance.

“The lessons learned when kids become runners are lessons they take with them to be successful in many challenging things they will do,” Bedient says. “Kids learn that, when things get tough, they can decide to quit or to keep going. It shows them their mindset and determination can get them through even the toughest challenges.”

Over the course of eight weeks, students train with increasing intervals, culminating in the Fit for Sound to Narrows 2K in June. The program brings together students of all ages and fitness levels in a no-cut sport that focuses more on individual growth and team building than coming in first place.

“Fit for Sound to Narrows gives kids a happy, positive place to learn and gain confidence,” says parent Jenilee Antone, who has three children who participate in the program. “It’s building a positive relationship with exercise and giving kids tools they will use their whole lives.”

Parent Julie Quesada’s three children have participated in the program for five years. She’s seen how the curriculum positively influences kids of all interests and abilities, from her youngest son who is an avid runner, to her daughter who prefers swimming. All three of her kids have learned about setting goals and being part of something bigger than themselves.

“The program has a positive impact on their physical and mental health,” Quesada says. “It creates a culture of ‘moving your body is fun’ and shows them kids from all fitness levels can be part of a team environment.”

“It’s about getting kids up and moving,” Wolfe says. “All you need is a pair of shoes and a child can start to think of themselves as an athlete.”

As part of its mission to make running fun and accessible, Fit for Sound to Narrows has partnered with the Tacoma City Running Club, the Puyallup Tribe of Indians and South Sound Running for a shoe scholarship program. The program aims to lessen the financial barrier of participation in running for youth in the Pierce County area by fitting young runners with free shoes.

Quesada and her kids are counting down the days until the race. She enjoys seeing the community come together around a shared goal.

Antone’s kids are looking forward to race day.

“To see them run a race with their friends, they’ll have great memories and the perfect way to end the program,” Antone says.

In addition to the Fit for Sound to Narrows 2K, the Sound to Narrows run includes the signature 12K route with challenging hills and spectacular water views, the faster and flatter 5K route and a 20-yard diaper dash for kids.

Sign up for MultiCare races

Sound to Narrows 12K and 5K, Tacoma
Bridge to Brunch 5K, Spokane

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in June 2022 and updated in April 2023.

Healthy Living
Kids' Health