New Year’s resolutions from post-op bariatric patients

January 8, 2020 | By Amy

The new year can be a time of great optimism. Health and wellness often top the list of intentions, but for some people, eating less and exercising more just isn’t enough.

Our bariatric surgery program at the MultiCare Center for Weight Loss & Wellness gives people a new tool to help on the path to greater health through weight loss.

For many, the success of weight loss also gives them the opportunity to reach for goals they never dreamed were possible.

We checked in with a few of our weight-loss surgery patients to see what they have planned for 2020.

Jennifer Yahne

I love setting New Year’s resolutions. I’ve been listening to the Michael Hyatt podcast and following his framework of setting SMARTER goals (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Risky, Time-keyed, Exciting, Relevant). I haven’t fully planned my goals yet, but here is where I’m leaning:

  • Fitness: My running has fallen off recently, so I am planning to get back into this in 2020. I would like to run the Seattle Half Marathon in November and achieve an 11-minute mile. That would be my longest race distance; the Sound to Narrows 12K has been my longest so far. To train for it, I want to run at least two to three days per week and cross-train two to three days per week. I would like to run some shorter races over the spring and summer to help me prepare.
  • Self-care: I am horrible about self-care, like most the working moms I know! My goal is to schedule at least one hour of me time per week. This could be a massage, coffee and journaling, pedicure, etc. It must be focused, intentional and completely distraction free (no kids or husband).

Yahne’s bariatric surgery was in spring 2016. Read more about Yahne’s experience here.

Rachel Meyers

In terms of New Year’s resolutions, I intend to enjoy the new life I have worked hard for to the fullest! Lots of hiking, kayaking and swimming in my future — things I would have dreaded or stayed away from before I started my journey, things that I was not able to do physically or mentally.

Meyers underwent surgery in fall 2018. Read more about Meyers here.

Courtney Nicodemus

I am planning some hiking trips in 2020. I have never hiked before due to my weight. It is a passion of my husband’s, so I am extremely excited to go and adventure to some places only visible by hiking — and sharing it with the love of my life.

Nicodemus had bariatric surgery in summer 2018. Read her story here.

The MultiCare Center for Weight Loss & Wellness supports you before, during and after the weight loss journey.

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