5 tips for getting back on track after a weight-loss setback

June 17, 2021 | By Alice Braverman

When on a weight-loss journey, setbacks are bound to occur. When they do, it is important to get back on track as quickly as possible. This doesn’t mean simply going on a diet, as diets are typically meant to be short-term. The key is to focus on creating a healthy lifestyle and way of eating that is not only attainable, but sustainable for the long-term.

Changing one’s lifestyle is not easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It is a learned skill set, and like most things in life it takes hard work and the right state of mind. But once you commit to a lifestyle change and properly define your goals, you can take the first steps.

1. Focus on what you are trying to eat more of, not what you are trying to eat less of. 

Instead of focusing on consuming fewer refined or processed foods and beverages, spend your time focusing on incorporating more of the healthy foods and beverages that you like into your routine. It’s far more likely that you will continue this over time since you’ll enjoy what you are eating rather than feel like you are missing out on something.

2. Change your environment.

Over time we all develop routines. The longer we’ve been in a routine, the more difficult it is to change. The same is true with evolving our eating habits, to the point where we often don’t know where to start. To get things rolling, take a look at your environment and how you can make it easy to choose healthy foods. For example, if you are in the habit stopping by a fast food restaurant every morning for breakfast and want to change that routine, consider stocking your fridge and pantry with healthy grab-and-go options like hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, overnight oats and protein drinks. This simple change of environment makes it easy to start your morning with a food win.

3. Incorporate physical activity that you enjoy into your day.

Most of us feel better when we incorporate physical activity into our day, but oftentimes that physical activity can feel like a chore or, at times, even a punishment. Tailoring physical activity to what you enjoy can help you adhere to a more physically active lifestyle. Personally, I enjoy dumbbell weights, resistance bands and bodyweight movements for my strength training, while I enjoy walking and using a rowing machine for my cardio. Find what works for you and you’ll find yourself looking forward to physical activity rather than avoiding it.

4. Take the time to meal plan and prepare.

While many diets are short-term and not easily sustainable, there are options today that are less “diet” and more of a lifestyle change. Mediterranean, ketogenic, paleo, vegan, low-fat and low-carb are some examples. Often what makes these “diets” appealing and sustainable for the long-term is the concept of meal planning. One of the main predictors of success for someone looking to create a healthy long-term lifestyle is the mindfulness that is cultivated through the planning and/or prepping of meals. This can be done through a combination of prepping food ahead of time for meals that will be consumed over the coming few days and incorporating some good quality premade meals from delivery services that fit your personal preference and lifestyle.

5. Incorporate action-based forms of self-care into your routine.

Most of us have many stressors in our lives and having tools to help dissipate the emotional tensions of our days is essential. So much of life is centered around consumption-based activities – surfing the internet, our morning cup of coffee, scrolling our social media feeds, watching television, smoking, drinking alcohol, snacking, the list goes on. As with most things in life, these should be done in moderation and balanced with action-based activities. Going for a walk, volunteering or other acts of service, video chatting with a friend or family member, reading, getting a massage, meditation and picking up a new hobby are all examples of action-based activities that can help you decompress from a stressful day.

Learn more about the MultiCare Center for Weight Loss & Wellness and how our surgical and medical weight-loss teams can help you get back on track today.

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