4 ways to succeed at your fitness resolutions

January 5, 2023 | By Jessica Mathews
Woman in exercise clothing running outdoors in the sun

The New Year. A fresh start.

What are your resolutions? If you’re like many, one of them is likely around health and fitness. This is the year you’ll get fit.

But how can you set yourself up to actually succeed this year?

1. Think positive

First, it’s important to frame your motivation. You can either set goals motivated by positive outcomes — or motivated by avoiding negative outcomes.

A goal motivated by fear is likely to fail. These goals are called “avoidance goals” and include losing weight, avoiding heart disease and so on. They start in the negative. That kind of motivation is proven to lead to procrastination, lower satisfaction and even reduced self-esteem.

On the other hand, positive motivation such as training to complete a 5K or being active daily lead to higher success rates, satisfaction and self-esteem. You’re more likely to succeed and you’ll feel better about your success.

2. Be specific

With your outlook and motivation firmly positive, it’s time to really make your goal. You might be thinking, “But I already did — it’s to get fit, exercise more or start running.”

But to give yourself the best chance to succeed, you need to get more specific. Instead of “start running,” write down a specific goal such as “complete a 12K” and give it a deadline.

3. Support your goal

Now you have a specific goal with a deadline and positive motivation. But it’s not a one-giant-step process. Time to line up your supporting goals.

To complete a 12K in June, maybe you start with a “couch to 5K” program in January, increase to running 30 minutes four times a week in February, then 30–60 minutes five times a week in March — and so on. Rough out the full plan and adapt as needed.

Also be sure to set up a few road races on your schedule between now and your big goal race. Register for them and pay ahead of time to keep yourself accountable. Even better, register with a friend — double accountability and possible training partner.

4. Keep going

Your motivation is positive, the goal is set, the plan is in place … go! Right?

One last “but”: How will you make sure you actually follow through? How do you keep yourself excited and accountable day after day?

Physically record and publicly disclose. Find what works for you (training journal, calendar by the door, Google doc), and then write the weekly plan and fill out what you do each day.

Review weekly to see where you did great and where you can improve, assess roadblocks and make a plan around them, then plan the next week. Planning is key. No one finds time — you make time. Rinse and repeat.

Publicly disclosing your goals can be as public as you want, but whether it’s shouting from your Instagram account or telling your family in person, it should give you a sense of accountability and motivation. Not only will it put you on the hook to do what you said you would, but most likely you’ll find you have a network of cheerleaders who will push you on days you feel unmotivated. Maybe you’ll even motivate a few of your peers to join in.

Let’s make this the year we beat that lousy 8 percent resolution success rate together. This really is the year you get fit … for life.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in January 2018 and updated in January 2023.

Healthy Living