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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

When it’s working properly, your immune system protects your body from infection and disease. When people have autoimmune diseases — including rheumatoid arthritis — their immune system attacks their own body by mistake.

In rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic disease that mostly affects the hands, wrists and knees, your immune system damages healthy tissue inside the joints. This can cause pain, inflammation and even deformity.

A variety of treatments can help provide relief for your symptoms.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of function in the joint
  • Pain or stiffness in more than one joint

Treatments for rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis has no cure; however, providers have many options available to them to help manage pain and improve your quality of life. Many people with rheumatoid arthritis continue with life as normal once the disease is controlled.

Doctors treat rheumatoid arthritis with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and other medicines that affect the immune system, such as biologic therapy. These are important to help control joint inflammation and prevent joint damage. Supporting therapies include anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy and healthy lifestyle changes.

Schedule an appointment with a rheumatologist

A referral is needed to schedule an appointment with a MultiCare rheumatologist. Contact your primary care physician to request a referral today.