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Over & Under Production of Hormones

Most endocrine disorders are caused by the over or underproduction of hormones in your body. Two of the most visible types of this problem are gigantism, a severe overproduction of growth hormone, and dwarfism, a severe underproduction of growth hormone.

However, many endocrine disorders have less obvious effects. The experienced endocrinologists at MultiCare provide both pediatric and adult endocrinology care to treat rare and common disorders.

What happens when glands don’t function properly

Overproduction of hormones is also called hyperfunction or hypersecretion. Underproduction of hormones can be called hypofunction or hyposecretion.

There are many reasons why endocrine glands send too much or too little of a needed hormone into your body. Sometimes this happens for genetic reasons. Sometimes the cause is a tumor that affects the gland (some tumors cause cancer and others, called benign tumors, do not). Problems can also result from treatment for other conditions and from other diseases not specifically affecting an endocrine gland.

Many endocrine disorders will not show symptoms for years, which makes it all the more important that you or your child get care from endocrinologists who are up to date with the latest research and treatments. MultiCare specializes in providing personalized care for your family’s needs.

Schedule an appointment with an endocrinologist

A referral is needed to schedule an appointment with a MultiCare endocrinologist. Contact your primary care physician to request a referral today.