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Communicating our research

We place a great deal of importance on the communication of our research activities through publication in scientific journals, presentations at national conferences, and dissemination of breakthroughs via the media. A sampling of MultiCare investigators’ publications can be found below.

MHS Investigators: To contribute publications to this page please contact Andrea Ball at [email protected].


Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Oncology

Alternative Medicine



Family Medicine

  • Bond K, Nunes N. Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation. American Family Physician. 2016 Mar 93(6):492.


Genetics & Genomics

Internal Medicine




Obstetrics & Gynecology


See also: Adolescent & Young Adult Oncology

Pain Medicine

Palliative Medicine


See also: Adolescent & Young Adult Oncology; Genetics & Genomics; Surgery; Trauma

Physical & Occupational Therapy


Research Practice



See also: Pediatrics


  • Connaughton DM, Dai R, Owen DJ, Marquez J, Mann N, Graham-Paquin AL, Nakayama M, Coyaud E, Laurent EMN, St-Germain JR, Blok LS, Vino A, Klämbt V, Deutsch K, Wu CW, Kolvenbach CM, Kause F, Ottlewski I, Schneider R, Kitzler TM, Majmundar AJ, Buerger F, Onuchic-Whitford AC, Youying M, Kolb A, Salmanullah D, Chen E, van der Ven AT, Rao J, Ityel H, Seltzsam S, Rieke JM, Chen J, Vivante A, Hwang DY, Kohl S, Dworschak GC, Hermle T, Alders M, Bartolomaeus T, Bauer SB, Baum MA, Brilstra EH, Challman TD, Zyskind J, Costin CE, Dipple KM, Duijkers FA, Ferguson M, Fitzpatrick DR, Fick R, Glass IA, Hulick PJ, Kline AD, Krey I, Kumar S, Lu W, Marco EJ, Wentzensen IM, Mefford HC, Platzer K, Povolotskaya IS, Savatt JM, Shcherbakova NV, Senguttuvan P, Squire AE, Stein DR, Thiffault I, Voinova VY, Somers MJG, Ferguson MA, Traum AZ, Daouk GH, Daga A, Rodig NM, Terhal PA, van Binsbergen E, Eid LA, Tasic V, Rasouly HM, Lim TY, Ahram DF, Gharavi AG, Reutter HM, Rehm HL, MacArthur DG, Lek M, Laricchia KM, Lifton RP, Xu H, Mane SM, Sanna-Cherchi S, Sharrocks AD, Raught B, Fisher SE, Bouchard M, Khokha MK, Shril S, Hildebrandt F. Mutations of the Transcriptional Corepressor ZMYM2 Cause Syndromic Urinary Tract Malformations. Am J Hum Genet. 2020 Oct 1;107(4):727-742. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2020.08.013. Epub 2020 Sep 4. PMID: 32891193; PMCID: PMC7536580.